
class stravalib.client.Client(access_token: str | None = None, rate_limit_requests: bool = True, rate_limiter: RateLimiter | None = None, requests_session: Session | None = None)[source]#

Main client class for interacting with the exposed Strava v3 API methods.

This class can be instantiated without an access_token when performing authentication; however, most methods will require a valid access token.

__init__(access_token: str | None = None, rate_limit_requests: bool = True, rate_limiter: RateLimiter | None = None, requests_session: Session | None = None) None[source]#

Initialize a new client object.

  • access_token (str) – The token that provides access to a specific Strava account. If empty, assume that this account is not yet authenticated.

  • rate_limit_requests (bool) – Whether to apply a rate limiter to the requests. (default True)

  • rate_limiter (callable) – A stravalib.util.limiter.RateLimiter object to use. If not specified (and rate_limit_requests is True), then stravalib.util.limiter.DefaultRateLimiter will be used.

  • requests_session (requests.Session() object) – (Optional) pass request session object.


__init__([access_token, ...])

Initialize a new client object.

authorization_url(client_id, redirect_uri[, ...])

Get the URL needed to authorize your application to access a Strava user's information.

create_activity(name, start_date_local, ...)

Create a new manual activity.

create_subscription(client_id, ...[, ...])

Creates a webhook event subscription.


Deauthorize the application.

delete_subscription(subscription_id, ...)

Unsubscribe from webhook events for an existing subscription.

exchange_code_for_token(client_id, ...)

Exchange the temporary authorization code (returned with redirect from strava authorization URL) for a short-lived access token and a refresh token (used to obtain the next access token later on).

explore_segments(bounds[, activity_type, ...])

Returns an array of up to 10 segments.

get_activities([before, after, limit])

Get activities for authenticated user sorted by newest first.

get_activity(activity_id[, include_all_efforts])

Gets specified activity.

get_activity_comments(activity_id[, ...])

Gets the comments for an activity.

get_activity_kudos(activity_id[, limit])

Gets the kudos for an activity.


Gets the laps from an activity.

get_activity_photos(activity_id[, size, ...])

Gets the photos from an activity.

get_activity_streams(activity_id[, types, ...])

Returns a stream for an activity.


Gets zones for activity.


Gets the specified athlete; if athlete_id is None then retrieves a detail-level representation of currently authenticated athlete; otherwise summary-level representation returned of athlete.


List the clubs for the currently authenticated athlete.

get_athlete_koms(athlete_id[, limit])

Gets Q/KOMs/CRs for specified athlete.

get_athlete_starred_segments(athlete_id[, limit])

Returns a summary representation of the segments starred by the


Returns Statistics for the athlete.


Return a specific club object.

get_club_activities(club_id[, limit])

Gets the activities associated with specified club.

get_club_members(club_id[, limit])

Gets the member objects for specified club ID.

get_effort_streams(effort_id[, types, ...])

Returns an streams for an effort.


DEPRECATED This endpoint was removed by Strava in Jan 2018.


Get details for an item of gear.

get_related_activities(activity_id[, limit])



Gets specified route.


Returns streams for a route.

get_routes([athlete_id, limit])

Gets the routes list for an authenticated user.


Gets a specific segment by ID.


Return a specific segment effort by ID.

get_segment_efforts(segment_id[, ...])

Gets all efforts on a particular segment sorted by start_date_local

get_segment_streams(segment_id[, types, ...])

Returns streams for a segment.


Returns a summary representation of the segments starred by the

handle_subscription_callback(raw[, verify_token])

Validate callback request and return valid response with challenge.


Converts a raw subscription update into a model.


Joins the club on behalf of authenticated athlete.


Leave club on behalf of authenticated user.

list_subscriptions(client_id, client_secret)

List current webhook event subscriptions in place for the current application.

refresh_access_token(client_id, ...)

Exchanges the previous refresh token for a short-lived access token and a new refresh token (used to obtain the next access token later on).

update_activity(activity_id[, name, ...])

Updates the properties of a specific activity.

update_athlete([city, state, country, sex, ...])

Updates the properties of the authorized athlete.

upload_activity(activity_file, data_type[, ...])

Uploads a GPS file (tcx, gpx) to create a new activity for current athlete.



The currently configured authorization token.