
This page is designed to mirror the structure of the documentation at and describe the methods for working with athlete data in the Strava API.

Retrieve Current Athlete#

This is the simplest request. It is provided by the stravalib.client.Client.get_athlete() when called with no parameters.:

athlete = client.get_athlete()
print("Hello, {}".format(athlete.firstname))

See the stravalib.model.Athlete class for details on what is returned. For this method, full detailed-level attribute set is returned.

Retrieve Another Athlete#

A variation on the above request, this is provided by the stravalib.client.Client.get_athlete() when called with an athlete ID.:

athlete = client.get_athlete(227615)
print("Hello, {}".format(athlete.firstname))

See the stravalib.model.Athlete class for details. only summary-level subset of attributes is returned when fetching information about another athlete.

Update Current Athlete#

(This is not yet implemented by stravalib.)